Seen above are scans of constellations of stones, shells and wax teeth attaching. They melted together exposed to sunlight and time in my window at my old Bed-Stuy apartment. I am often rocked by how the camera interprets and depicts materials. Which… Duh… It ultimately always does. I really cracked art here. I also cracked relationships when I ran from one to another in 2022. And while one person gave me stones, as in hard, fixed, heavy solid masses, as in from the inside of the earth that got very hot and then cooled down again… The other person gave me her wax teeth: malleable, translucent, light, adjusting easily to my temperature and being the most extraordinary polar opposite of what a coming together could look like.

How do I navigate memory? How do I bring my pasts together? Do I have to? Should I? Can I not when I am the common nominator? How much memory do objects hold? Do I hold on to the objects? Do I let them go? Do I let them fuse with new or other objects? Do i collect the images that represent a certain object or certain objects? I am in love with materials. In love with materials given to me by special people. Materials that are then released but maybe kept in the document of an image, photo, scan, pixels, memory, vision, print, projection, description, feeling, sensation or time.

The number six is considered to hold energies of love, emotional healing, stability, nurturing and protection.


Consenting Colors