These colors were created with an underexposed large format negative using a Hasselblad Flextight Scanner to make up information where there was no information. This is evidence that you can color in information even when there is none. You can create an image without having to record and “reflect” the external world at all.

A color is described as a characteristic of an object (in this case the object is your screen) that reflects and releases light (white light: all the colors all at once) and creates all kinds of sensations on the human eye depending on who is seeing, looking and interpreting (and depending on what they are seeing, looking at and interpreting). Color is a phenomenon that helps us differentiate, within a certain context of perceiving, an object while we are looking: This we identify as that and that as this and those as them and this as me and us like you and you: like light emitted off your screen.

To understand color, we realize that color is a combination of hue “which one (which color),” saturation “how much color (quality of color)” and brightness (how light).
When our perception has a good deal of color it means there is a lot of strategy. To give color to something is to add information. When seeing a color, it changes how we then perceive another color. Meaning that sequencing defines how the following image can be digested by our eyes and our brain. Looking affects looking and not looking affects looking. You can color a lie, you can color it inevitable, you can color it in, or color it out. Some people can lie without their faces blushing. Some lie about perceiving, some perceive based on feelings of the past and let that taint the present.
Some can color the truth or color a fact and make it appear Other from “reality” in order to influence perception. Some can color art: It is produced when light strikes it and reflects it right back to the eye. Color can define harmony and produce an appropriate response. In order to do so, one would need to subjectively identify NUANCE to understand why certain humans react one way and other humans react another way to the same “blue.”

To color means to fill in a shape or an outline. To photograph means to color. To color means to give bias to something. A bad experience seeing blue might change how you perceive blue. Color depends on the quality of light and the quality of your eyes. Truth depends on the state of being true. Cindy Lauper’s “True Colors” is a great song. A fact is when there is evidence for truth. Color is subjective interpretation of what is being reflected. Colors make photography. You can color a past with a past.


Underneath No Longer Concealed

